Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TMJ & Dentists

Why is it when I have nothing soft to eat in the house I wake up with a severe case of TMJ?  Even swallowing my spit hurts.  Every time I have a flair up of this I think about the dentist who caused it to start in the first place.  If I had been one to sue, I would have sued him and probably would have won my case.  He and his staff were negligent in leaving the impression in my mouth until it had to be pried out by him.  And he almost did not get it out himself.  Of course,  when I called him the next day about how badly my jaw hurt, he became defensive and said; "I hope you aren't blaming me for it!".  Funny, I had never had this kind of problem before your stunt.  Is it any wonder I do not trust dentists?!  My fear of dentists started when I was little and a dentist tried to put both of his big hands in my little mouth.  I should have bit his hand!  It would have served him right.  I also remember him yelling at my dear Daddy about giving me too much candy was the reason my teeth were so bad.  The truth was my bad teeth were a result of all of the medications I had to take for asthma and related illnesses and having Mama's genes for bad teeth.

I am working on a new item that I plan on adding to my shop eventually.  I am doodling (drawing) aceo cards.  I have one done and I am working on a second one in answer to a challenge on the Doodlers team.  I know what I want it to look like.  It is just a matter of getting it to look like it.  The challenge is something about good vs evil in the garden at midnight.  I am trying to show Heaven and Hell.  I about have Hell right, now working on Heaven.  It isn't as easy for me to draw as it may be for some of you.  I am not very good, but I love playing around with it.  And that is what it is all about.

My dear friend Annette starts chemo Friday.  I love her so much and wish I could make it all go away for her and Dawson.  The good news is that Dawson is tolerating this new chemo better.  It isn't making him sick this time.  I just pray it is killing the cancer cells.  He is such a sweetheart.  Always ready with a smile, hug and "I love you!" he has stolen the hearts of so many people!
I am still wanting to do some craft fairs, but have yet to find someone to help me.  Sad when you offer to pay a kid and he would rather stay broke than to help his own family. 
Wish I knew someone to share a booth with that would be willing to let me ride with them and help me set the table up.  I could put the things on it and all that.  I just need a ride and someone to carry the stuff to the site for me.  So discouraged because I am not getting many sales.  I still believe God is in me keeping my 'net and shop, I just wish I could understand why.

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